Well, not much to post so far but I thought I'd go into some details for those that care. Now, to answer the question that many friends and family have presented... "why are you doing this?" well, I guess the real answer is...because I can!
Am I a Star Wars fan? well, uh...yes but I wouldn't call myself a "super fan"...until now I guess. I think you cross that line when you start building your very own R2-D2 Haha. I'm not the type that has my own costume, I didn't sleep in a tent to be first in line when the movies came out, but I did see the movies, all of them, many times. I remember still standing in line to see the Empire Strikes Back when an aunt that was a real sci-fi fan took me as a kid...and I was hooked!
I had the toys growing up, and I think like most kids watching the movies and playing with the toys, I always imagined how cool it would be to have my very own droid.
So, I was looking on Ebay one day and noticed an auction for a R2 replica part, I thought that was interesting and read the listing, it described a full size R2 replica, so I started my search from there. I then went to youtube and noticed how much people just loved seeing R2. This search took me to a blog from a builder that documented his whole build ( www.vfranco.blogspot.com ). It was fascinating, could this really be possible that I could do something like this? Well, I think we're all about ready to find out.
After finding the first blog, I found www.astromech.net a group site with people all over the world building their very own droids and a yahoo group as well. It's a whole community full of great people wanting to help each other in reaching their droid goals. After spending quite a bit of time reading, researching, and reading some more, I started asking questions...
Like most things I do and enjoy, building a droid is not cheap, there are cheaper ways to do it and some shortcuts, but nothing quick or easy.
My first part ordered was a styrene dome, laser cut for all the details. This is quite the item to have as those very first droid builders had nothing like this and really paved the way for these type of great parts. Next on my list was the frame, legs, resin details, Rockler bearing, and some dome display electronics. With some other projects in the works, it has been more a time of collecting parts but soon I will start actually putting things together and will be including photos of the project here. Hope you all enjoy!